York Place

London, UK

Richard Evans, Partner at Hoare Lea

Project Lead:
Richard Evans

A hybrid building.​

York Place is being transformed in to an abundant, public realm with ‘Coda’ being the striking centrepiece. With significant cultural amenity, it will host the new headquarters for the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), a public promenade and new, modern homes.​

Breathing new life​

The redundant brownfield site will be totally transformed in to a new, exciting destination in Battersea. By collaborating with local authorities, developers, the housing association and design teams, this project is bringing together communities and transforming York Road into a space that all generations can enjoy. ​

Excellent internal environments​

To deliver homes that are both comfortable and functional, we are embedding a site servicing strategy that includes a CHP. With this, all apartments have cooling facilities to create pleasant living environments. To facilitate the RAD’s sustainability goals, we have delivered a central energy centre and roof mounted photovoltaic panels.​

Key Figures
299 homes
24 storeys​
£110 million