Strategy & Stewardship

Move aside concept and theory it’s time for ESG to demonstrate impact and progress.

Specialism Lead:
Diana Sanchez Barajas

Strategy & Stewardship:
Executive summary.

Move aside concept and theory it’s time for ESG to demonstrate impact and progress. The backdrop today of complex regulatory and industry changes is impacting real estate and the bottom line. There seems to be no signs of this increasing complexity abating and if we’re not careful we’ll have tied ourselves up in to so many knots that the potential rewards will be missed. ESG focuses the mind on avoiding asset stranding, competitive differentiation and attracting investment. And the stakes are increasing.

It’s tired and overused to say we translate complexity into strategy but the need for those strategies to guide action and those actions to realise evidenced outcomes is most certainly coming to the fore. The only way through it is to co-create an approach to the challenges through effective solutions. Recognising that solutions in themselves can falter, ongoing stewardship will be critical.

Contact: Diana Sanchez Barajas

Hoare Lea: Advisory & Advocacy

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