This page is to explain how any person can raise any genuine concern they may have about the conduct of the business or any of its people where one or more of the following is being, has been, or is likely to be, committed:
- A criminal offence;
- A failure to comply with a legal obligation;
- A miscarriage of justice;
- An act causing damage to the environment;
- Concealment of any of the above;
- Actions in breach of the firm’s policies; and
- Any real or perceived conflict of interest faced either by the firm or an individual.
Please use this email address to report any such concerns : whistleblowing@hoarelea.com alternatively visit our parent company Tetra Tech’s anonymous online reporting portal at tetratech.ethicspoint.com or call Tetra Tech’s anonymous, 24-hour-a-day Ethics Hotline at +1 (800) 886-2577 (United States) or find your local, non-U.S. hotline number at tetratech.ethicspoint.com
Any message sent to the Hoare Lea whistleblowing email address will be received and triaged by the firm’s Director of Governance and Legal and Director of People and Development. These two post holders will decide who is best placed either within or outside the firm to investigate the concern raised and will both record the details provided and forward the concerns to the chosen person/party who is to investigate.
If you are unhappy reporting your concerns by email please write to either Director of Governance and Legal or Director of People and Development at Hoare Lea LLP, 155 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4UB marking the envelope as ‘Private and confidential’.
Should you wish to be informed of the outcome of any investigation related to the concerns you raise (subject to any legal constraint) please include your name and contact details in your email/letter.