Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Empowering individuals and communities.

As a firm we aim to provide direction towards a truly equitable future, where underrepresented individuals and communities are not just included, but where marginalised knowledge and experience is valued, amplified, and harnessed.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) strategy rejects the temptation of shortcuts, tokenism and performative gestures. Instead, it focuses on building a sustainable framework for meaningful, high performing diversity.

By building an inclusive infrastructure and vigilantly upholding equitable practices we will bring about meaningful diversity not only in appearance, but also in substance.

This strategy focuses our DEI efforts on developing the practical and cultural infrastructure that ensures whatever your identity or background, you will be welcome, heard, and supported to realise your unique potential.

Kieran Valentine,
Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Read our full strategy

Our approach.

Our approach to DEI and led by three core behaviours:

Because self-awareness, an open mind, and a spirit of generosity bring out the best in everyone.

Because exploring different ideas and perspectives is necessary for growth, especially when those views and ideas challenge our existing views.

Because talking about and addressing imperfections can be uncomfortable.