
We have joined the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction.


Zero-carbon, resilient buildings and construction sector for all.

We are happy to announce that we have joined the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC) to support their work towards zero-emission, efficient, and resilient buildings in the construction sector. 

We are working in the GlobalABC Hubs for adaptation, clean heat and data. The Hubs serve as channels for members’ engagement and to address barriers towards a zero-carbon, efficient and resilient buildings, and construction sector for all. They align with the GlobalABC vision and mission, programme objectives, and targets.

Founded at COP21, hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme and with over 330 members, including 42 countries, including the UK, GlobalABC is the leading global platform for all buildings stakeholders committed to a common vision: A zero-emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector.

Globally, the buildings sector is responsible for around 37% of energy and process-related CO2 emissions and over 34% of energy demand globally, so all actors in the industry must be part of the collective solution to keep within the Paris Agreement ambition to limit warming to 1.5°C. Our North Star vision states that the climate crisis is the single biggest challenge humankind will face, not just in our lifetime, but in the lifetimes of future generations.

We are committed to moving the industry to a net zero carbon future through partnership and advocacy. Joining GlobalABC builds on our industry involvements that target net zero carbon, including with the UK Green Building Council and the UK’s first Net Zero Building Standard.

Eimear Moloney, our Director of Operational Assets, said:

We know we are all responsible for shaping a better future that is both human-centric and planet-conscious. We have already proven our ability to reduce whole life carbon through our projects. Joining GlobalABC gives us the opportunity to share our expertise more widely and add our voices to a worldwide movement that is addressing the complex problems our industry needs to resolve to achieve net zero carbon and resilient buildings.

Gulnara Roll, Head of GlobalABC secretariat, added:

We are excited to welcome Hoare Lea to the GlobalABC community. Their commitment to sustainable and resilient building practices aligns with our mission. By joining forces, we can accelerate the transition to a zero-emission, efficient, and resilient buildings and construction sector.