
We are one of the first UKGBC Organisational Partners.


A natural progression.

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) announced that we have become one of its first three Organisational Partners. We have been leading Keystone members of the UKGBC for many years, bringing expertise in areas closely aligned with the council’s mission to campaign for a sustainable built environment.  

This announcement comes at a critical time, following the election of a new UK government and amidst significant challenges in meeting decarbonisation targets in the built environment.  

As an Organisational Partner we will provide valuable expertise and resources to support key UKGBC programmes, including Advancing Net Zero, Resilience and Nature, Learning and Leadership, and Regenerative Places. We will also serve as a strategic sounding board on cross-cutting themes such as retrofit, industry transformation, and systems change.  

This new group is convened by UKGBC Chief Executive Smith Mordak, who will draw on our insights and expertise as UKGBC develops itsstrategy to 2030.  

Smith Mordak said:

I’m excited to celebrate the cross-cutting input and engagement these three organisations bring to UKGBC. We recognise that addressing the interconnected environmental and socio-economic crises requires systemic thinking.

This new partnership category not only acknowledges the deep and enduring engagement of these organisations, but also helps us intentionally bridge thematic work areas and identify powerful leverage points for change.”

Ashley Bateson, our Head of Sustainability said:

Hoare Lea is proud to be a long-standing supporter of UKGBC’s Advancing Net Zero and Resilience and Nature Programmes.

Becoming an Organisational Partner with UKGBC is a natural progression for us and a great opportunity to promote their work. We look forward to collaborating with others to continue championing a sustainable built environment.”