
We are decarbonisation challengers.


We have been named a Challenger in Green Quadrant: Building Decarbonisation Consulting Report 2024 by independent research firm.

Independent research and advisory firm Verdantix found that we deliver industry leading decarbonization projects powered by engineering expertise. It identified specific strengths in

deep capabilities for comprehensive retrofits” and “strong support for UK-firms looking to achieve differentiated real estate decarbonisation.

Our deep retrofit capabilities highlighted in the report included retrofit design and planning, green certification preparation and readiness assessment and our distinct internal assessment academy to manage certification assessment and share best practices.

Our blend of engineering and consulting expertise was recognised by the report, and that it can “achieve differentiated real estate decarbonisation” for clients with both large real estate portfolios and specific assets. Our contribution to UK-specific policy and regulations, from the UK’s ‘Net Zero Building Standard’ sponsoring the UK Green Building Council’s ‘Advancing Net Zero’ programme, was also acknowledged.

Our Business Development Director, Rob Mitchell, said:

Hoare Lea being recognised as a Challenger by Verdantix is hugely exciting and reflects well our unique approach to decarbonisation in which we challenge the norms. It recognises our approach to meeting the individualised needs of our clients, reducing their risk at both an asset and operational level.

“Our current UK emphasis gives us a deep knowledge base and a strong holistic approach that will enable us to expand our services internationally. We have the scale to develop relevant, market leading innovation, whilst being agile enough to give a bespoke end-to-end experience for each of our clients.”