
Let’s talk Operational Assets.


A streamlined service.

Operational buildings need consultants to function efficiently and reliably. To address this…

…we have created our Operational Assets specialist service that brings together our experts across performance, property services and operational engineering.

This specialism will support clients in the acquisition, operation, management and change of their ‘assets’: both at a single building scale and vast portfolio level. It’s all about getting the most out of occupied buildings via support from our built-environment consultants throughout building life cycles; the service we offer also has the zero-carbon agenda in building operational performance at its heart.

3 levels of Operational Asset support.

Our Operational Assets specialists work with clients at their chosen levels of service, from reactive all the way through to proactive approaches; and Net Zero Carbon sits right in the centre of all three:

We can help clients address unforeseen issues with their buildings, such as: fault findings, peer reviews and plant replacement.

We can offer services relating to building management legal and/or procedural requirements. Examples include DECs, ESOS reports and due diligence inspections.

We can help buildings perform better from an end-user perspective, giving clients an advantage over their competitors. Examples include energy and carbon analysis, thermal assessments, and Soft Landings.

Operational Assets is bigger than the sum of our performance, operational engineering and property services teams combined. By creating this streamlined offering, each of the teams’ cross-discipline expertise is strengthened and we can address our clients’ evolving needs even further.