You are what you breathe - part 2.
Is outdoor air quality more important than indoor?
Taken from Exploare Issue 4, the X Files is an open debate between two experts: one believer, one sceptic. Together, they discuss pressing topics that impact both our lives and industry.
As individuals we spend 90 percent of our time indoors, spread between home, work, socialising, our commute, and other places like the gym etc. Given that the impacts of poor air quality are linked to our exposure (the time spent in an area) it stands to reason that, to reap the most benefit, efforts should be focused towards the areas we spend the majority of our time in.
While the indoor environment is of course linked to the outdoor environment, we still very much have the ability to control and influence it, especially from indoor pollutant sources. The indoor space can also offer a vital refuge from poor outdoor air quality, which to a degree is out of the control of the individual.
Indoor opportunity.
Most of us are able to manage our bodily intakes: we watch what we eat and drink. However, our intake of air is pretty much out of our control when we are outdoors, and is down to the government to address. By comparison, a building’s ventilation strategy is something we, as air quality consultants, can actively design to protect people.
There is no safe limit in terms of exposure to air pollution. Of course, standard limits must be achieved, but I believe it’s important to move beyond compliance and deliver further benefits to a building’s users. Good indoor air quality can improve cognitive performance, result in fewer incidents of illness, and lead to better mental and physical wellbeing.
Simply put, the indoor environment provides us with a real opportunity for control to be given ‘back to the people’, so to speak. For example, an organisation can take action to manage the air quality of its working environment.
Given how large a proportion of an individual’s exposure is in this environment, buildings can present significant opportunities to help manage people’s ‘daily intake’ of air pollution as we all go about our lives. Using our buildings to create environments in which everyone can thrive is vital to our collective health and happiness.